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STANDARD: Metrics data collection

Last modified by Wim Verheirstraeten on 2024/01/31 11:39


This standard explains how Eniris stores data and how data must be delivered. You will see that fields and metrics are always listed in camelCase https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case.

We also include the unit of the field in the fieldname. This unit is not written in camelcase.

Understanding InfluxDB: retention policies, tags, measurements

Behind the scenes an Influx database is used. The advantage of this system is that it is optimized for efficient storage and querying of time series. Database is organized as follows:

  1. Top level: retention policies. See the following paragraphs.
  2. Within each retention policy there are a series of measurements (Influx terminology, not to be confused with physical measurements). You can imagine such a measurement as a table in Excel (one with not too many columns, but possibly a lot of rows), or as an SQL table.
  3. Within a measurement there are three types of columns: a timestamp, a set of tags and a set of fields.
    1. The timestamp shows a time point per row (we call a row a measurement point in this context). This time point does not have to be unique: there can be several measurement points that share the same timestamp.
    2. The second column is called the tags set. This is a group of columns that uniquely describes properties of the measurement point. For example, the id of the installation and device that the measurement point was taken on, the used reference system, the type of fuel or gas the measurement is about, etc.
    3. The fields contain the values of the actual physical measurements. Depending on the context they can be a float, an int, a boolean, or a string.

Example of how an influx measurement looks like
This could be e.g. a part from the measurement "gridMetrics"

Measurement Example.png

More on retention policies

One particular aspect that plays an important role in the database and that has to be explained within the context of the API, is the idea of ​​so-called 'retention policies'. Data within a certain retention policy is stored for a certain period of time. Once it is over, it will be automatically aggregated to a lower frequency retention policy and rotated out of the database. The Eniris retention policies have names that indicate the maximum update frequency of a particular metric stored within that policy. For example, we have the following retention policies:

'rp_one_s' (één seconde)
'rp_one_m' (één minuut)
'rp_ten_m' (tien minuten)
'rp_one_h' (één uur)
'rp_six_h' (zes uren)

Data stored in a the highest frequency retention policy (rp_one_s) is deleted within 10 days, while data stored in the lowest-rate retention policy (rp_six_h) is retained for decades. The motivation is simple:

  • The more time has passed since a measurement point, the less of interest the low time scale of the data tends to be.
  • The amount of data that is stored in the database per series is the product of the frequency of the measurement point and the duration that data is stored. So, by limiting the duration, we limit the amount of data per measuring point.

Before frequent data is circulated, it is automatically aggregated within a retention policy with a lower frequency (to avoid that a user with frequent measurements who clicks back a few days in his history suddenly no longer finds values). This whole story explains why, if you're passing data through the standards, you must indicate the frequency of updates per series by explicitly specifying the retention policy.

Generally speaking, use the retention policy that is closest to the frequency you're pushing data with.

Example: How measurements are contained inside retention policies
The measurements "installationMetrics", "consumptionMetrics" & "gridMetrics" are shown here within the retention policies "rp_one_s", "rp_one_m", "rp_six_h".

Retention policy diagram.png

More info about InfluxDB


Standard usage of measurements, tags and fields


Measurements are organized per typical usage / positioning of a device in real life.


The database has the following measurements:

Electrical energy measurements

Name Meaning
loadMetricsMetrics of loads, energy consumers
batteryMetricsMetrics of batteries (home storage batteries)
submeteringMetricsMetrics for submetering of different parts of an electrical installation, e.g. of tenants in a building
gridMetricsMetrics of the main energy exchange with the public distribution grid
solarInverterMetricsMetrics of solar inverters


Metrics of solar optimizers / MPPT modules
hybridInverterMetricsMetrics of hybrid inverters (note: only the grid input. For other inputs, use child metadata devices)
windMetricsMetrics of wind turbines
hydroMetricsMetrics of hydro turbines
cogenMetricsMetrics of cogeneration (wkk, warmtekrachtkoppeling)

Metrics of EV charging stations (laadpalen)

meterMetricsMetrics of all types of meters ( anti injection meter, ...)

Other utility measurements

gasMetricsFor natural gas metrics
waterMetricsFor water consumption

Building HVAC measurements

ventilationMetricsFor anything related to ventilation and inside air quality. Things like CO2 concentration, individual temperature sensors etc. should also report to this metric.
heatPumpMetricsFor heat pumps
airconditionerMetricsFor air conditioners
heaterMetricsFor fuel based heaters (gas stove, petroleum stove)

Weather related measurements

Name Meaning
pyranometerMetricsMetrics of pyranometers


Messages for alarms, warnings, info, errors, etc. should be sent to the "messages" measurement. It should be used together with the autogen retention policy when the frequency is not regular.

Mandatory extraTags

Tags must always be strings (see also our MQTT documentation).

All measurements must have at least the following tags:

TagPossible valuesMeaning
idAny stringUse id that corresponds to the id of the metadata. The user management works on the id level (a user can see measurements per id). If you work with our mqtt standard, the id is already known and should not be specified. The id corresponds to the mqtt username.

Optional extraTags

TagPossible valuesMeaning
subIdAny stringOptional Use subId for a device that is part of this installation (e.g. a charging station has a string as subId “chargingStation”)
cableTypeAny stringOptional (machine data) to specify the cable type.


Standardized fields shall be used for the measurements as much as possible. Fields is a dictionary with key & value pairs.

Common fields for all metrics

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
alive Integer0, 1Indicator that the device is alive. Useful if there is no other data to be reported, but it is desirable to keep track of the connection still existing.

Common electrical fields for loadMetrics, batteryMetrics, gridMetrics, submeteringMetrics, solarInverterMetrics, windMetrics, hydroMetrics, cogenMetrics, evChargerMetrics

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
WFloat Actual active power of phase L1, L2, L3.

For loadMetrics, batteryMetrics, gridMetrics, submeteringMetrics, evChargerMetrics:
Positive power = consumed, charging or imported power
Negative power = produced, discharging or exported power
For solarInverterMetrics, windMetrics, hydroMetrics, cogenMetrics:
Positive power = produced power
Negative power = consumed power (e.g. autoconsumption of the plant)
actualPowerTot_WWFloat Actual total active power; equal to the sum of the active powers of the three phases.

For loadMetrics, batteryMetrics, gridMetrics, submeteringMetrics, evChargerMetrics:
Positive power = consumed, charging or imported power
Negative power = produced, discharging or exported power
For solarInverterMetrics, windMetrics, hydroMetrics, cogenMetrics:
Positive power = produced power
Negative power = consumed power (e.g. autoconsumption of the plant)
VArFloat Reactive power of phase L1, L2, L3

For loadMetrics, batteryMetrics, gridMetrics, submeteringMetrics, evChargerMetrics:
Positive reactive power = consumed or imported reactive power
Negative reactive power = produced or exported power
For solarInverterMetrics, windMetrics, hydroMetrics, cogenMetrics:
Positive reactive power = produced reactive power
Negative reactive power = consumed reactive power (e.g. autoconsumption of the plant)
reacPowerTot_VArVArFloat Total reactive power; equal to the sum of the reactive powers of the three phases.

For loadMetrics, batteryMetrics, gridMetrics, submeteringMetrics, evChargerMetrics:
Positive reactive power = consumed or imported reactive power
Negative reactive power = produced or exported power
For solarInvertedMetrics, windMetrics, hydroMetrics, cogenMetrics:
Positive reactive power = produced reactive power
Negative reactive power = consumed reactive power (e.g. autoconsumption of the plant)
frequency_HzHzFloat≥ 0.0Actual AC frequency.



AFloat≥ 0.0Actual line current of phase L1, L2, L3, or neutral wire
VFloat≥ 0.0Actual voltage between phase L1 and N, L2 and N, L3 and N
VFloat≥ 0.0Actual line-line voltage between phases L1 and L2, L2 and L3, L3 and L1
-Float0 - 1Power factor of phase L1, L2, L3
PF_Tot-Float0 - 1Overall power factor
-Float≥ 0.0THD of line current in phase L1, L2, L3
-Float≥ 0.0THD of line-neutral voltage between phase L1 and N, L2 and N, L3 and N
-Float≥ 0.0THD of line-line voltage between phases L1 and L2, L2 and L3, L3 and L1

Electrical energy fields

If the electrical energy is to be calculated from the electrical power over an interval, then e.g. for gridMetrics the energy deltas must be calculated as:
Unknown macro: formula. Click on this message for details.

Unknown macro: formula. Click on this message for details.

 Unknown macro: formula. Click on this message for details.

Unknown macro: formula. Click on this message for details.

Unknown macro: formula. Click on this message for details.

For other measurements this is similar, so that the right energy fields are used! If not, data analysis may fail later to produce correct results.

Energy fields for loadMetrics, solarInverterMetrics, windMetrics, hydroMetrics, cogenMetrics

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
WhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy consumed in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
consumedEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy consumed in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
WhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy produced in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
producedEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy produced in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
WhFloat≥ 0.0Consumed energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
consumedAbsEnergyTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Consumed energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
WhFloat≥ 0.0Produced energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
producedAbsEnergyTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Produced energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
producedEnergyTodayTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Produced energy on the given day for the sum of the three phases. The value of the metric at each timestamp reflects how much energy has been produced that day up to the moment of the timestamp.
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy consumed in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
consumedReacEnergyDeltaTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy consumed in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy produced in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
producedReacEnergyDeltaTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy produced in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Consumed reactive energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
consumedAbsReacEnergyTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Consumed reactive energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Produced reactive energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
producedAbsReacEnergyTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Produced reactive energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
duration_mmFloat≥ 0.0Operating time of a machine in minutes
duration_hhFloat≥ 0.0Operating time of a machine in hours

Fields for solarInverterMetrics

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning


OhmFloat≥ 0.0isolation leak resistance 

Energy fields for gridMetrics, submeteringMetrics

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
WhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy imported in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
importedEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy imported in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
importedPeakEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy imported on peak times in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
importedOffPeakEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy imported not on peak times in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
WhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy exported in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
exportedEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy exported in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
autoconsumedEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy produced by the children of the energy meter that is NOT exported. This can be used for calculating autoconsumption fractions etc
childrenProducedEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of the energy that is produced (or discharged if a battery) by the children of the energy meter.
exportedPeakEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy exported on peak times in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
exportedOffPeakEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy exported not on peak times in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
WhFloat≥ 0.0Imported energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
importedAbsEnergyTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Imported energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
WhFloat≥ 0.0Exported energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
exportedAbsEnergyTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Exported energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy imported in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
importedReacEnergyDeltaTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy imported in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy exported in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
exportedReacEnergyDeltaTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy exported in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Imported reactive energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
importedAbsReacEnergyTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Imported reactive energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Exported reactive energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
exportedAbsReacEnergyTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Exported reactive energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)

Energy fields for batteryMetrics, evChargerMetrics

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
stateOfCharge_frac% as a float between 0 & 1Float0.0 - 1.0State of charge of the battery
stateOfHealth_frac% as a float between 0 & 1Float0.0 - 1.0State of health of the battery
WhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy charged in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
chargedEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy charged in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
WhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy discharged in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
dischargedEnergyDeltaTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of energy discharged in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
WhFloat≥ 0.0Charged energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
chargedAbsEnergyTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Charged energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
chargedAbsSessionEnergyTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Charged energy in the current charging session absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
WhFloat≥ 0.0Discharged energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
dischargedAbsEnergyTot_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Discharged energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy consumed in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
consumedReacEnergyDeltaTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy consumed in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy produced in phase L1, L2, L3 since the previous measurement
producedReacEnergyDeltaTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of reactive energy produced in total (sum of the three phases) since the previous measurement
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Consumed reactive energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
consumedAbsReacEnergyTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Consumed reactive energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
VArhFloat≥ 0.0Produced reactive energy absolute counter value for phase L1, L2, L3
producedAbsReacEnergyTot_VArhVArhFloat≥ 0.0Produced reactive energy absolute counter value for the total (sum of the three phases)
mode-Integer0 / 1 / 2

Modes in which the battery or electric vehicle can operate

0: standaard
1: eco
2: solar

Other evChargerMetrics

For electric vehicle chargers.

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
maxPower_WWFloat≥ 0.0Maximum power the charger can deliver. This can be different from individual charger connectors.
maxCurrent_AAFloat≥ 0.0Maximum current the charger can deliver. This can be different from individual charger connectors.
safeCurrent_AAFloat≥ 0.0Minimum current the charger will deliver when the charger has no setpoint or reference.

Charger status. The message depends on the charger brand, model and/or driver implementation.


sFloat≥ 0.0Duration of a charging session.
chargingSessionId-String Current charging session Id - can be used for detecting charge passes etc.


-Int≥ 1Number of phases that the electric vehicle uses for charging.
evUsedPhases-Enum of strings

"Split phase"

Which phases are used by the electric vehicle for charing


AFloat≥ 0.0Target AC phase current for charging.
smartgridMode-BoolTrue / FalseIf True, smart grid mode is enabled.
powerSetpoint_WWFloat Smart grid mode power setpoint.
currentSetpoint_AAFloat Smart grid mode current setpoint.
evRequiringCharge-BooleanTrue / FalseIndicate if there is an electric vehicle connected that wants to be charged / has capacity left to be charged. This should be False if there is no ev on the charger (connector) or when the ev is fully charged. It should also be True when the EV on the charger is actually charging!


KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
heatingEnergyDelta_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of heating thermal energy since the previous measurement
heatingAbsEnergy_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Heating thermal energy absolute counter value
coolingEnergyDelta_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Delta of cooling thermal energy since the previous measurement
coolingAbsEnergy_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Cooling thermal energy absolute counter value

Thermal power measured by the calorimeter.

Positive power = heating, heat delivered to the measured heating/cooling circuit.
Negative power = cooling, heat taken away from the measured heating/cooling circuit.

heatingAbsVolume_m3Float≥ 0.0Total volume of heat transfer fluid that has passed through the calorimeter
coolingAbsVolume_m3Float≥ 0.0Total volume of coolant fluid that has passed through the calorimeter
totalAbsVolume_m3Float≥ 0.0Combined total volume of heat transfer / coolant fluid that has passed through the calorimeter. No distinction is made between the fluid being used for heating or cooling.

Flow rate of heat transfer / coolant fluid.

Positive = flow towards the heating/cooling circuit in the departure line.
Negative = flow coming from the heating/cooling circuit in the departure line.

departureLineTemp_degC°CFloat Heat transfer / coolant fluid temperature in the line towards the heating/cooling circuit
returnLineTemp_degC°CFloat Heat transfer / coolant fluid temperature in the line returning from the heating/cooling circuit


KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
absEnergy_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Caloric energy counter value.
energyDelta_WhWhFloat≥ 0.0Caloric energy since the previous measurement was sent to the database.
absVolume_Nm3Nm³Float≥ 0.0Gas volume counter value.
volumeDelta_Nm3Nm³Float≥ 0.0Gas volume since the previous measurement was sent to the database.
LHV_WhpNm3Wh/Nm³Float≥ 0.0Lower heating value caloric content of the gas
HHV_WhpNm3Wh/Nm³Float≥ 0.0Higher heating value caloric content of the gas
pressure_barbarFloat≥ 0.0Pressure of the gas
flow_Nm3psNm³/sFloat Flow rate
density_kgpm3kg/m³Float≥ 0.0Density
temperature_degC°CFloat Temperature
gasConversionFactor Float>0.0conversion factor related to richness of gas used


KeyUnitTypeMin. valueMax. valueMeaning
absVolume_m3Float0.0-Absolute water volume counter value.
volumeDelta_m3Float0.0-Water volume since the previous measurement was sent to the database.
flow_m3psm³/sFloat--Flow rate
absPulseCount-Integer--For pulse counters: for an absolute totale amount of pulses
pulseCountDelta-Integer--For pulse counters: for counting individual pulses. E.g., if one pulse is sent every time a liter of water is consumed
pulseRate_ph1/hFloat--For pulse counters: for counting a pulse rates per hour, e.g. can represent a flow rate


KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
airFlow_m3psm³/sFloat Flow rate of air in a ventilation system
insideAirTemp_degC°CFloat Air temperature inside a room
outsideAirTemp_degC°CFloat Air temperature outside
insideAirPressure_mbarmbarFloat Air pressure inside a room
outsideAirPressure_mbarmbarFloat Air pressure outside
CO2conc_ppmppmFloat CO2 concentration inside a room


For the electrical side of the heat pump, use loadMetrics.

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
heatFlowIn_WWFloat Heat flow from ambient to outside unit (is negative when the heat pump is used for cooling!)
heatFlowOut_WWFloat Heat flow from inside unit to heating water circuit or inside air (is negative when the heat pump is used for cooling!)
evaporatorInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the evaporator of the heat pump
evaporatorOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the evaporator of the heat pump
compressorInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the compressor of the heat pump
compressorOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the compressor of the heat pump
condenserInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the condenser of the heat pump
condenserOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the condenser of the heat pump
expValveInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the expansion valve of the heat pump
expValveOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the expansion valve of the heat pump
evaporatorInPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the evaporator of the heat pump
evaporatorOutPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the evaporator of the heat pump
compressorInPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the compressor of the heat pump
compressorOutPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the compressor of the heat pump
condenserInPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the condenser of the heat pump
condenserOutPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the condenser of the heat pump
expValveInPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the expansion valve of the heat pump
expValveOutPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the expansion valve of the heat pump
coolantFlow_m³/sm³/sFloat Flow rate of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) inside the heat pump
heatingWaterInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the water of the central heating system entering the heat pump
heatingWaterOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the water of the central heating system leaving the heat pump
heatingWaterFlow_m3psm³/sFloat Flow rate of heating water of the central heating system
insideAirTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature inside building
outsideAirTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature outside building
mode-Integer0 / 1 / 2

Modes in which the heatpump can operate

0: standaard
1: eco
2: solar

sourceThermalEnergyInputDelta_WhWhFloat Thermal energy that is taken from the source, expressed as an energy delta


For the electrical side of the airconditioner, use loadMetrics.

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
heatFlowIn_WWFloat Heat flow from inside air to coolant (is negative when the air conditioner is used for heating!)
heatFlowOut_WWFloat Heat flow from coolant to outside air (is negative when the air conditioner is used for cooling!)
evaporatorInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the evaporator of the air conditioner
evaporatorOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the evaporator of the air conditioner
compressorInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the compressor of the air conditioner
compressorOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the compressor of the air conditioner
condenserInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the condenser of the air conditioner
condenserOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the condenser of the air conditioner
expValveInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the expansion valve of the air conditioner
expValveOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the expansion valve of the air conditioner
evaporatorInPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the evaporator of the air conditioner
evaporatorOutPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the evaporator of the air conditioner
compressorInPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the compressor of the air conditioner
compressorOutPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the compressor of the air conditioner
condenserInPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the condenser of the air conditioner
condenserOutPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the condenser of the air conditioner
expValveInPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when entering the expansion valve of the air conditioner
expValveOutPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) when leaving the expansion valve of the air conditioner
coolantFlow_m³/sm³/sFloat Flow rate of the coolant (heat transfer fluid) inside the air conditioner
insideAirInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the air entering the inside unit
insideAirOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the air leaving the inside unit
insideAirFlow_m3psm³/sFloat Flow rate of air through the air conditioner inside unit
outsideAirInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the air entering the outside unit
outsideAirOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the air leaving the outside unit
outsideAirFlow_m3psm³/sFloat Flow rate of air through the outside unit
insideAirTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature inside building
outsideAirTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature outside building


For heating units.

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
heatingPower_WWFloat Current heating power, energy per second added to the heating water
fuelConsumption_Nm3psNm³/sFloat Fuel consumption
LHV_WhpNm3Wh/Nm³Float≥ 0.0Lower heating value caloric content of the fuel
HHV_WhpNm3Wh/Nm³Float≥ 0.0Higher heating value caloric content of the fuel
fuelDensity_kgpm3kg/m³Float≥ 0.0Density of the fuel
fuelPressure_barbarFloat≥ 0.0Pressure of the fuel (if a gas)
tankLevel_frac% as a fraction between 0 and 1Float0 - 1Fraction of fuel left in fuel tank
heatingWaterInTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the water of the central heating system entering the heat pump
heatingWaterOutTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature of the water of the central heating system leaving the heat pump
heatingWaterFlow_m3psm³/sFloat Flow rate of heating water of the central heating system
pumpInPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the heating circuit water before entering the pump
pumpOutPressure_barbarFloat Pressure of the heating circuit water when leaving the pump
insideAirTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature inside building
outsideAirTemp_degC°CFloat Temperature outside building


For pyranometers.

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning
irradiance_Wpm2W/m²Float≥ 0.0Solar irradiance
radiantExposureDelta_Whpm2Wh/m²Float≥ 0.0Radiant energy received by a surface per unit area since the previous measurement, or equivalently irradiance of a surface integrated over the time of irradiation between the current and the previous measurement.


For all types of meters like anti injection meters

KeyUnitTypeValue rangeMeaning


WFloat Actual active power of phase A, B, C.

Positive power = produced power
Negative power = consumed power (e.g. autoconsumption of the plant)


% as a float between 0 & 1Float0-1

Percentage that inverts are working at

1 = no anti injection
0 = inverters are shutdown


As an example of an MQTT message for the measurement "gridMetrics":

The id corresponds to the mqtt username.

   "time": 1629896519,
   "extraTags": {
       "id": "012345",
       "subId": "mainMeter1234567890"
   "fields": {
       "voltageL1N_V": 230.0,
       "voltageL2N_V": 229.7,
       "voltageL3N_V": 231.2,
       "actualPowerL1_W": 1123.1,
       "actualPowerL2_W": -172.8,
       "actualPowerL3_W": 874.1,
       "exportedAbsEnergyL1_Wh": 2340129,
       "importedAbsEnergyL1_Wh": 93482,
       "exportedAbsReacEnergyL1_VArh": 23013129,
       "importedAbsReacEnergyL1_VArh": 7523
Created by Wim Verheirstraeten on 2023/10/06 18:41


(c) Eniris, 2024